Autumn 1996: a closer look at some of the rarities.
The Paddyfield Warbler on Fair Isle.
Birding World, 9 (10) : 388-389.

Mark Grantham* says: "There is a single report of a first-year Paddyfield Warbler ringed in Lithuania (55:21 N 21:13 E) on 8·9·1996, and then recaught on Fair Isle (59:32 N 1:38 W) on 19·9·1996. This bird had covered 1 441km in 11 days, so was also rather quick! Strangely, this bird was originally ringed as a Blyth's Reed Warbler Acrocephalus dumetorum, though the identification on Fair Isle was indeed correct.

*Recoveries Officer
British Trust for Ornithology
The Nunnery
Thetford, Norfolk
IP24 2PU
Tel: 01842 750050
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