Aquila = aigle, nipalensis = du Népal (népalais ni pal, terre sainte)
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immatures nipalensis/orientalis, 21 août 2002, zoo de La Flèche (Sarthe, France)
immatures orientalis, 27-28 mars 2001, Israël
Eagle Eye
immature (3e année civile), 27 mars 2001, Israël
Commentaire de Dick Forsman (Dick Forsman's comments):
"The bird in the attached photos is a 3rd cal yr (2nd winter) Steppe Eagle. It can be aged by the outer primaries, which are worn and brown juvenile feathers. The species is most reliably identified by the dark trousers, showing as dark triangles on the rear flanks. In Imperial of this age the trousers are always pale (the same colour as the belly and undertail coverts). Also the pale underwing bar is too wide for Imperial, whereas several second plumage Steppe show this type of band. Although the plumage by large resembles an imm. Imperial because of darker breast than belly, the forementioned characters exclude it. The photographs also do not show any streaking of the darker plumage areas, which an Imperial should have, but I guess the photo is too blurred to show this."
1re année |
2e année |
3e année |
4e année |
5e année |
ou plus (6th-cy+) |
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février |
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